Once upon a time...| Majelle Legros ♡


Pronounced: "ma-j'elle"

Talk me a little bit about you and what are you doing right now?

My name is Majelle Legros, and I am a business student
 teetering on the idea of being a publisher or a graphic designer. 

I'm at a crossroads of choosing to live my life through books or through art, and am stuck knowing one will forever be only a hobby. As an introvert, I am undeniably obsessed with finding new hobbies through different reasons to stay indoors. I'm a netflix loving, unexpected rave lover who spends most of her time laughing at bad puns. Currently I'm living my summer with daily bike rides and avoiding allergens. 

Since what age did you start painting, and know that this is what you enjoy doing?

I've always remember loving painting as a kid. I have a super vivid memory of hanging out underneath my neighbours bed and being absolutely proud of the bunnies I was drawing. It wasn't until I was in high school where I realized whoa, this is something I want to do for fun all the time, and that's when I realized I was actually pretty good at it. 

How long have you been practicing your craft?

Right now I am a water colour artist, and have been really getting into using mainly water colours for the past three or four years. The way water does what it wants to do has made it both more fun and a challenge at the same time. 

what you want to bring to the people through your art?

My favourite compliment is having people tell me that I'm inspiring them. I want to motivate people the way other artists have motivated me, and I want people to look at the world and see it as an opportunity. That art isn't just a hobby that it can be so much more than that. That they can matter through what they create. That they can be inspiring too. 

what materials you like to use to paint in this moment?

I am a cheap college student who buys all my paint and brushed at the dollar store. My paint isn't even water colour paint, it's water mixed with acrylics (hah, oops), and the brushes I use most of the time leave bristles all over the painting. A lot of patience is involved in the art of being a cheapo.  

Who or what inspires you every single day?

Seeing others fulfill their own dreams and live in their own art oriented world is what motivates me every day. I need to remind myself constantly as an artist to keep creating or I get discouraged. But it's painting animals and getting to meet animals that really inspires me. They don't feel flattered or even care that I am painting, but to just attempt to capture the slightest bit of their beauty is worth it. 

what goals you have in the near future?

I want to start a project. A big, one a day, keep me dreaming, big end result project that I stick too. It's deciding what that is is the problem. I have so many ideas cascading in my brain, it's soon time that I need to pick one and bring it to life. In the mean time I have a book full of blank canvases I am trying to fill up with water colour paintings of animals, and nothing else. 

In addition to paint, what other things you like to do?

I am a lover of all medias. Sculpting, drawing, playing around with wires, fabrics, everything! Anything I can get my hands on I want to try. I've forbid myself from going to the craft store until I have finished playing with all the random items in my craft box that I haven't explored yet. 

Additional question: What's your favorite horror movie?

NONE! Never ever. I'm too fragile for horror movies. I once watched my roommates play 
Slenderman and slept with my lights on for three whole days later. Never again. 

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T W I T T E R 



P.S. I really hope you like this interview! this time I don't want to put a description about the artist because I feel that her answers are really sincerely and describe really well how humble and sweet she is. I see her art so many time ago and see too how it's been growing up since the old days, so I can't forget to introduce her to you guys, because I admire her technique to paint and her good\nice humor. AND of course I hope see one day all those dreams come true ♥ I kiss of mint ice cream and I hope you have a good monday!

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Jessie Ruiz. Con la tecnología de Blogger.